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red_fury t1_iu0pohg wrote

Thats why I offer up my own time, its worth nothing.

Edit: People it was a joke... My time is obviously worth something, I collect the paycheck for that time every month.


seasonedfries t1_iu10qr0 wrote

Your time is worth a lot more than nothing. Just because you offer it to them for free doesn't mean its worth nothing.


icest0 t1_iu1e84x wrote

"no give me a utility knife a bic lighter and 30 minutes of time I'd otherwise be spending on YouTube ".


Wheream_I t1_iu1iyrv wrote

Yeah this chain needs to learn that the opportunity cost is the value or benefit given up by engaging in that activity, relative to engaging in an alternative activity.

When the alternative activity is YouTube, the choice to help a coworker probably produces more utility overall


Notice_Little_Things t1_iu122gj wrote

Unless you’re a volunteer IT guy lol your time is worth something to whoever hired you and therefore it should be worth something to you too. For any “fix it or trash it” decision i just take my hourly pay and determine what costs more, my time to fix, or a new item. This goes for personal life as well, gotta value your time bro.


gw2master t1_iu1511m wrote

> i just take my hourly pay and determine what costs more, my time to fix, or a new item.

Your hourly pay is only worth that when you can be available in large blocks of time (9-5), for large blocks of days (M-F), over a consistent period of time. The ten minutes you saved because you decided not to take your nightly dump isn't worth anything close to your hourly pay.


Notice_Little_Things t1_iu1j0pd wrote

Well yeah your time would only be worth something in this example if you had a full time job, or at least some kind of stable income otherwise the decision would always be to fix it because you’re not making anything per hour and don’t have the money to replace. Also, this example is for decisions regarding fixing something or buying it, and you equate it to choosing to take a dump or not? Not sure what your point was at all. Ill be invoicing you for $7 for me having to waste the time reading and responding. You have to be able to value your time and i find using hourly pay is a good start to feeling like your time is worth something because someone decided you were worth that even if you don’t think it.


red_fury t1_iu1l0yk wrote

I 100% agree with you. In this instance, those keyboards can go for a fair chunk of change, for some reason. We will say 50 bucks conservatively and without looking up the actual price. If I am paid 34 to 36 per hour that means I would have only cost the employer about 17 to 18 bucks instead of purchasing the 50 dollar keyboard. We cant forget the cost savings on my own sanity by repairing something satisfactorily instead of placing an order for something that is produced in a certain foreign factory that has been shut down for months by the regime because someone got covid there. Forget the supply chain, labour, and import issues, this 50 dollar keyboard is going to take 3 weeks to show up and that's 3 weeks of Carol in HR moaning to me about how long its taking and how much it sucks to type on a screen like every other poor schlub without an IT budget to abuse. By my count I saved the company money, I actually earned my paycheck (for about 30 minutes), and I only had to listen about Carol's upcoming bunyan surgery for 5 minutes when I dropped off her perfectly functioning, albeit MacGyvered, ipad case and keyboard.


eeeBs t1_iu19061 wrote

#ooooo self burn, those are rare