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JustRamblin t1_iu9z6ad wrote

The picture isn't great but it looks like a messy spackle/mud job to me


speakez OP t1_iu9zcas wrote

Thanks. Yeah, it doesn’t look “alive” but with the roof link I was a little worried


jackdawson1049 t1_iua1wwu wrote

Spray it with a bit of bleach and see what happens.


homestead1111 t1_iua5wj8 wrote

it is hard to tell, but it doesn't look like it


Computer_Sci t1_iua74j8 wrote

No that's not mold, mold is more of a gradient texture or even blotchy, not just a pure black like that.


NicePumasKid t1_iua8evt wrote

Are you talking about the black stuff? I’ve never seen mold grow like that.


bravenewlogon t1_iuabxn5 wrote

No mold—dust particles pile up like this due to airflow.


chopsuwe t1_iuae2cq wrote

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No-Mix-7574 t1_iua4mlh wrote

You ever been to Bikini Bottom?