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1feralengineer t1_it7jfz0 wrote

Has any of the rot migrated to the roof sheathing or rafters (trusses)?

Is there flashing, or evidence there was flashing at one time?


Qwaszx1987 OP t1_it7kwnf wrote

That’s my main concern. I am hoping it’s still protected because there is still some of the facia board intact. I believe there is flashing, but it looks like the gutter was installed lower than the flashing extends if that makes any sense. I have photos, but I’m not sure how to include those in the post.


1feralengineer t1_it7pdiz wrote

The first thing is to fully assess the extent of all the damage (you don't want to hang new fascia and soffit from rotting rafters).

Poking around with a screwdriver will reveal areas of heavy damage, but finding nothing with the poking around won't fully rule it out. At some point you will have to start demo to know the extent of the job. Contractors know this and it makes estimating not only the cost but the amount of time difficult. So at times like this where they have more work than time, getting someone to even look at it is near impossible.

Like finding a job, finding a contractor is aided greatly by networking. Ask everyone, including strangers who they know. Don't rule any lead out. Maybe someone knows a local retired guy that can walk you through it (you do the work, they drink your beer).


Qwaszx1987 OP t1_it8915w wrote

Thanks for the reply. I will definitely do a bit more investigating prior to moving forward. I like the idea of a former pro walking me through the steps while they kick back. Saves money and allows me to develop snew skills at the same time.


gooberfaced t1_it7j5yb wrote

Roofers have to be one of the more exasperating of the contractors.

Keep calling people, ask your neighbors and friend for references.


IGmeanwell t1_it7mot1 wrote

Pictures might help to see exactly what you need done.


Qwaszx1987 OP t1_it7p4ut wrote

Updated the post to include link to images.


dman2864 t1_it7xvtx wrote

Here's the deal op. At some point maintenance on the gutters was stopped. cleaning the gutters while making sure they are secure should be done at least yearly. During that time the gutters got filled with junk and was not able to drain properly. Add in a good rain and that detaches the guttering and water gets to where it is not supposed to, and thus the problem you have.

The only real way to know is to take out a small section of your soffit that's damaged and see how far back the damage goes. If it's only the fascia that's damaged I would suggest that you save your self some time, money and effort, and do it your self. On the other hand, if the damage goes back further get a contractor out there.

Edit: make sure to check the boards that are touching the fascia.


Qwaszx1987 OP t1_it89cai wrote

Yeah I agree. It was previously owned by an older couple, and I think after the husband passed maintenance on the whole house stopped. There’s even a new box of gutter guards in the garage that were never installed.


usedTP t1_it8138s wrote

Some gutter companies offer related services and they are usually more easily found.


Qwaszx1987 OP t1_it89l1u wrote

Thanks for the tip! I will call them as well.


sdfree0172 t1_it86i9o wrote

slide flashing under the existing flashing and overhang the other side of it into the gutter to make sure water runs into the gutter and not into that rotted section. That'll buy you some time. Then wait for a roofer / contractor to fix the rot.


Qwaszx1987 OP t1_it89tb6 wrote

Thanks for the advise. I will likely do this and clean out the gutters just to keep it from getting any worst.


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