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Adam2013 t1_itgv7sn wrote

Jack or king stud could be loose from bottom plate? The noise would be the wood stud moving up/down along the nails


-Susil OP t1_ith0u2m wrote

I wish I knew what that means but I appreciate you giving me a starting point. The sound doesn’t happen all the time. Only if we haven’t walked past it in a few hours. So strange.


CrossP t1_ith5aj4 wrote


The nails are loose enough to slide slightly out and back in when the floor flexes and that flexes the door frame. Placing a few 3" screws would probably fix it since they can't slide in and out like that.


Bldaz t1_itioet6 wrote

Ghosts ? How is the jack moving up ? The door never does this when opening or closing? Its the floor or subfloor weight pushing it down


-Susil OP t1_itj4aaw wrote

A ghost is the most likely cause. I don’t believe we’ve ever heard it after opening or closing the door. It happens as we approach it. Sounds like it’s coming from the frame on the side with the hinges.


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