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rdrast t1_ir2py74 wrote

Any metal cutting job benefits from lube, tap magic, 3-1 oil, hell, even Crisco or Astroglide.

Lube is not only for the cutting edge, but helps the flutes on a stupid 0.54$ drill bit clear the cuttings.


Uncle_Larry t1_ir3if8p wrote

So you are saying I should swap Crisco for my Astroglide when I’m doing some hardcore drilling?


DownWithHisShip t1_ir3zy1c wrote

I just use a little spit for a small job like this. It's nature's lube. Works surprising well for what is it lol.


Mouler t1_ir2xijf wrote

A light film is all you need.


GKnives t1_ir3smp1 wrote

truly. it makes the difference between caring about how many holes your tap can make before replacing and not caring at all


Westerdutch t1_ir4h7mm wrote

When drilling you make a mess anyways

Mess always has to be cleaned anyways

You have to dispose of your drilling mess anyways (you sure dislike making a mess that you have to mention it thrice, diy might not be for you)

Its not a waste if it does something (it does if not much)

Instead of 'worrying', see it a case of good practice.

Is oil 'required' for this? Well no. But it certainly wont hurt anything other than your fear of having to clean up after :p


amensky t1_ir3sz4k wrote

Bar soap works well, with no mess...