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ZeroTrousers3D t1_ir3cu7e wrote

I'm an HVAC/R tech and I know plenty of guys with scars that took multiple stitches from "a little piece of sheet metal" they thought they could just drill freehand.

Trust me, sheet metal bites hard enough without putting power tools into the mix.


Handsome_Rob58 t1_ir3oogm wrote

A guy at our company was drilling hanger strap. The strap wrapped around his pinky and degloved it.


tr3v1n t1_ir4aszt wrote

pretends that this means he was wearing work gloves and they got removed, leaving his hand intact


100GbE t1_ir4nivg wrote

1 like = 1 glove for this poor man who lost one, humbly, don't scroll away.


lochlainn t1_ir49qnt wrote

Abort thread! Abort thread! Set heading for /r/brainbleach, ahead full!


Fat_Head_Carl t1_ir43v5j wrote

It's a sheet of metal... That's what they make knives out of. Just sayin


zeeboots t1_ir4ax1o wrote

The metal brackets they use for securing wooden fences and roofing are great for slicing open your fingers without you even realizing. They should put a warning sign on the bins in the hardware store.


exiestjw t1_ir4u27q wrote

I worked at my dad's HVAC company as a teenager, then a factory from 18-23, and then went to college and have sat in front of a computer for the last 20 years. A couple years ago I bought some property that requires about 15-30 hours of labor a week.

Thats all to say that just recently I've decided that part of dressing for working is putting on gloves. I watch a lot of Andrew Camarata videos and similar for inspiration. I don't understand how that guy's hands aren't chewed to bits from doing the stuff he does with no gloves. I know a lot of it is skill, but still, he must have hand-calluses like baseball mitts or something.


Bergwookie t1_ir5hsmx wrote

NEVER wear gloves when working with rotating machinery.. Better a small cut from a sharp edge or shavings than losing a finger or more.. First thing you learn when working with metal... I saw horrible things.

And if you're having long hair, at least tie them together, better wear a cap or dew rag.. A drill press scalps you better than an Indian chief!


series-hybrid t1_ir656t1 wrote

Its learning from other peoples mistakes, and understanding when to be careful enough, and when you can get away with hot-dogging it.

You get good judgment from experience, and you get experience from bad judgment.


zeeboots t1_ir6ciar wrote

I'm unfamiliar with him but in the YouTube thumbnails I see him wearing gloves at least once. The other commenter is right however if you're around any spinning items you need to keep all hair fabric and leather far far away from it because very bad things can happen.

Gloves are great for home improvement work, not so great for shop work.


exiestjw t1_ir6dt56 wrote

Sure, I'm not saying he's anti-glove or anything, he wears them when almost any sane person would wear them.

Its times like this though:

Changing an ATV muffler.

Now, I know that many, many people would do this without gloves.

But my knuckles would be banged to hell and I'd have scratches all over my hands and arms if I did that job without gloves.