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NCrafty t1_iu0mzbi wrote

If it's a multi-burner setup, the sparker generally kicks across every burner, so make sure that the burner in question actually is sparking, and that you're not just hearing the other burners.

Then check the gas ports nearest the sparker for occlusion. You should probably just clean everything as well. Could be that grease got under everything and caused clogs or contact problems.


Ubarjarl OP t1_iu0tvbr wrote

The cooktop burners work fine. It’s the burner inside the oven itself that won’t ignite. Oven fills with gas and the sparker sounds like it’s working but no flame or heat


boner_sauce t1_iu11h4p wrote

You more than likely have a hot surface igniter that is defective. It's a glow coil that ignites the gas. If you find it, you can disconnect it and do a continuity test with a multimeter. If it's open, you've found your issue.


SRFBoston t1_iu1fbx1 wrote

If it is truly a spark ignition, you could have a grounded wiring harness.

What brand oven? Whirlpool had a big issue with this because they routed the wiring incorrectly and it would get cut by the oven frame (opening/closing oven drawer could move a loose harness and cause chaffing). Typically these ignition systems spark and open the gas valve at the same time. If you don't get ignition in 5 attempts, it stops, but you've had gas pumping into the oven cavity which can cause the odor.

Does your broiler work?


Ubarjarl OP t1_iu2piq1 wrote

Whirlpool with a true sparker. Broiler burner at the top starts no problem. Eventually I got the problematic sparker working by fiddling with the sparker. Literally bending the housing a bit to alter the gap distance.


SRFBoston t1_iu4d6ka wrote

Nice! I did that as well when I used to repair them for a living. The spark would sometimes arc to the ignitor guard rather than the burner tube. Now, bake some cookies.


chopsuwe t1_iuagvsl wrote

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