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mandevwin t1_iu7szts wrote

What work was done? You have not provided a list, a receipt, or anything.


fredsam25 t1_iu7uszb wrote

I paid a handyman to install a bathroom fan. He installs it. I pay him. A few weeks later, I check the attic and he just left the outlet hanging in the attic. I paid a second handyman to run the conduit to the roof and add a vent. He claimed the job was done. I was out of town, so I paid him. I come back to find he added the vent, didn't run conduit between the vent and the fan. I run the conduit and connect everything. We just had our first rain. Guess where there is a new leak in the roof?


Inle-rah t1_iu7v2sf wrote

Dunno how long the painting took. Everything besides the painting took maybe 2 hours.

Edit: longer to drive to the hardware store to get materials/parts. If the went and bought a bulb, drove back, found another burned out bulb, etc. You get the idea.


ctillisc OP t1_iu7v7yz wrote

Lol somehow it took him three days to finish everything including trips to store and what not. Unreal. I asked him to finish by Thursday to get the house shown then and he said he’d try


ZenoxDemin t1_iu7v96p wrote

You got scammed, that's worth about 6months of rent!


TiddyTwoShoes t1_iu7w2pq wrote

8 areas to paint with 2 quarts, 60 tack holes to fill so better charge you for a whole bucket of filler. Cheap options for replacements and 100 dollars an hour in labor for basic maintenance work. Their plumbing job was likely as challenging as changing some gaskets out. All of this reeks.


nonitalic t1_iu7wcix wrote

Labor cost is hard to say, because it varies based on region and I don't know the going rate in your region of Italy. Materials cost looks high but the images are cut off.


TiddyTwoShoes t1_iu7wwln wrote

Honestly I'm not sure. I would ask for receipts on the materials and maybe shop the invoice around to local competitors to see what they would charge for a similar list. It's different by area and these days contractors can charge whatever they want really. I'm not sure what kind of civil process you would have to go through to dispute the bill and doing it out of country would be even harder.


codefreakxff t1_iu7xg5m wrote

Did you get a quote, agree to the service, and have the service completed? Then you probably don’t have much you can do. He’d probably take you to small claims court and win. The only possible save is you being in the military and out of country.

Did you pay too much? Yes. Is he taking a cut? Yes. Is any of that illegal? No.

Unless the work wasn’t actually necessary or completed. Do you suspect either?


ctillisc OP t1_iu7xpyh wrote

I am prepared to spend $2,000 for small repairs I agreed to whether I was ripped off or not. However, I called him about the spigot leak that another property manager pointed out. I thought he would look at it and diagnose it and quote it if needed be. Or I thought he would be a nice guy and just throw it into the already agreed to price. Instead he just said "I fixed it" and threw in an extra $800. I plan on disputing this. Thoughts?


ctillisc OP t1_iu7xuly wrote

My wife is home and could go to small claims if need be. Thanks for the invoice idea! I will absolutely ask him for the itemized receipts of all of these materials and then shop the same repairs to other local people. Worth the time and effort to me. I am prepared to pay the bulk ($2000 which I agreed to via email out of desperation) but what bothers me is him adding the spigot charge without warning.


codefreakxff t1_iu7yb83 wrote

If you were not given a written or verbal quote for the faucet repair then there is room to argue that charge. The original quote there doesn’t look very formal so it probably didn’t have an implied pre approval for any changes.

At this point you might be able to call a plumber in the area and get a quote for fixing a leaky faucet and then tell your property manager the going rate is X and that is what you will pay since he didn’t quote you for the service

Last plumber I used was $250 plus parts and that felt expensive to me.


Pawelek23 t1_iu7zzga wrote

I got a spigot put in outside through brick, very quality hardware 2 years ago. Total cost was like $100 in a mcol area. Had to shop a bit to get that guy, but very quick and happy.

Of course depending on location to nearest pipes could be more, but seems too high. I’d dig more and if your gut doesn’t trust the PM it’s probably right. Fire them (read your contract with them first).


Guygan t1_iu89lbv wrote

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CalvoConReddit t1_iu8rgmf wrote

Im a handyman.

I don't do anything before getting the ok from clients on the quote.

This guy is shady


ctillisc OP t1_iu8v0s2 wrote

Yeah it makes me question all of the other high charges. Any thoughts on how I should proceed and what I should ask for? Did he overcharge me on everything for his labor / materials u think?


CalvoConReddit t1_iu91eie wrote

Yes. Im from spain. So similar economy.

I dont know about material cost. But labour is way to high.

I'd go to the police with this. ....


Ask for receipts or invoices for material.

Ask for the quote FIRST


Property manager is getting a piece of cake.