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cslish t1_iu4fsi1 wrote

Using solvent to glue the magnet and plate should work.

The only concern i have is the door lock strength. Will the spider try to push it and escape?

How strong is your spider?

I would consider these questions before proceeding.

Good luck


Belltowerben t1_iu4qq57 wrote

I would suggest having the door swing in. That way you could glue a tab on the inside of the door so when the inevetable happens and your pet decides to leave he cannot. You can even use the magnet as your stop.

As for cutting the acrylic like that, you will be hard pressed to break it out with a clean break. If you plan to try that you may need to drill out the corners of the door cut out so it will snap off nicely. It will be difficult either way.


FreshlySkweezd t1_iu4s9nq wrote

Cutting interior shapes out like that can definitely be difficult. I would consider doing some investigating to see if there's a makerspace near you with a laser. That is typically my go-to when dealing with acrylic or plastics like that.


j33pwrangler t1_iu4u6am wrote

A common approach for things like this is to drill holes in the corners, and then use a coping saw to saw out the part between them. The coping saw blade is really skinny and detaches from the saw to thread through holes.


pillageTHENburn t1_iu4upuq wrote

I think the right tool for this job is a laser cutter. This would be very simple with a laser. If you can’t find a maker space or a friend with a laser near you let me know, I do custom laser work all the time. This is something that could be cut and shipped flat. Acrylic solvent weld is the best way to join pieces of acrylic too. It’s really easy as well. Best of luck!


Hareuhal t1_iu4ut4x wrote

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TrogdorBurns t1_iu4vbag wrote

It can be done, but any method you use to cut the internal hole is going to leave a gap about the width of the saw blade, router bit or laser beam width. If you want it cut perfectly you are going to want to use a cnc laser cutter.


SuckaMc-69 t1_iu4xbyd wrote

A guy I worked with did stuff like that … they were chemical etching tanks. He used some heat gun and plastic welding rod. Made all the hard cuts on a saw with a small small diamond blade set at a certain speed. So it is possible.


behea OP t1_iu8h9c6 wrote

For future reference, tarantula slings (young t's) need smaller enclosures to get assimilated to before they grow up and can handle a larger housing. If the door were to swing in, feeding it could be quite a task since the area is so small. Thanks for taking the time to comment though, I've decided to go with laser cutting as per the rest of the comments


behea OP t1_iu8hefs wrote

Thanks for the suggestion! Fortunately there is a laser cutting service near my area. I would take up on your offer if I didn't live on the other side of the world 😂


behea OP t1_iu8i42a wrote

Not quite. The door should be higher up since 1/4th of the box will be filled with dirt since the T is terrestrial, wouldn't want it spilling out every time the door opens 😅

Most ready-made spider homes are for non-terrestrial ones so they are all taller than they are wide. The little guy could climb too high and injure itself if it fell