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swissarmychainsaw t1_iug4ibl wrote

You will never keep rats out of your firewood. I would build a structure away from my house that houses the majority of the wood. Then I would every week move chunks of wood close to the house when ready to burn.

You actually built the rats a nice cozy home to live in!
Also don't use poison, it will just kill predators in the food chain like owls, raccoons and other critters you don't want to harm like house cats


nasalcrom OP t1_iug5pbl wrote

You may be right, although a similar solution of 20” flashing wall kept them out of my parked car for several years. If they get in, I’ll build doors.


Tectronix t1_iug5frj wrote

Nothing in the world is rodent proof.


nasalcrom OP t1_iug5ycg wrote

Good point. I should have titled it “Potentially Rodent Resistant”


NTheory39693 t1_iug2385 wrote

Little sacks of hemlock, you can get them at an automotive store......or put dryer sheets in between the wood


Jpalin6 t1_iug2xhj wrote

Place bars of Irish spring soap within the cords of wood. They hate the smell


dmac66 t1_iug3rl3 wrote

Looks like they wouldn’t have any problem getting to the wood.


nasalcrom OP t1_iug5tww wrote

Possibly, but they would have to jump, because they can’t climb the flashing.


Jaicobb t1_iug0z9b wrote

Maybe I'm not the most experienced with this but why does it matter if rats get in there? How are they ruining it?

I'd put some d-con all over it and not worry.


nasalcrom OP t1_iug5gud wrote

2 reasons:

  1. They poop all over the wood
  2. It gives them a huge ideal home, so they eat the wiring and plastic in your cars and damage anything on your property they can get to, so you need to minimize nesting options in general.

AlfaBetaZulu t1_iug65ql wrote

I mean it looks nice but it definitely isn't gonna keep rats out. I think they can climb right in there with no problem


nasalcrom OP t1_iuh3ga8 wrote

I’ll post an update in the spring sharing if it worked, and improvements if it didn’t.


vancanucks10 t1_iug69zg wrote

I’ve heard of someone successfully deterring rats or mice from living under a hot tub by using peppermint oil. I’m going to try it under my bbq and in the garden shed. Some say mothballs work, or there’s a scented spray sold at hardware stores.


comslash t1_iug8gwu wrote

I don’t advise this as I’m not a fan but get a cat.


Guygan t1_iug9215 wrote

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idownvoteanimalpics t1_iug9gs2 wrote

How do you like the wood burning stove? Is it easy enough to get started?


nasalcrom OP t1_iuh36ym wrote

We like it a lot. If you use high quality cured wood, it starts very easily with just a few scraps of paper and kindling. Takes less than 10 minutes a day of maintenance.