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Tek_Freek t1_iuj2qh9 wrote

I have to admit to being gobsmacked that you live in an HOA area and built this without talking to the architectural committee.


PersephassaThePurple OP t1_iuj8lxn wrote

Well, what is done is done - all we can do is move forward. We now have approval and have ordered materials - shingle was finished this weekend. This was our first experience with an HOA, we had asked when buying the home for some sort of documentation about guidance here and were told by the realtor and seller that there wasn't any - searching for our HOA returned nothing and the email address we reached out to bounced back.


Tek_Freek t1_iuji3hs wrote

Then it's on the HOA not you. The one we moved into in Las Vegas gave out manuals, had an orientation meeting, and a group meeting of all new homeowners. An example of a well run HOA. The woman who runs it emails information constantly to the members - about 12,000 of them.

We no longer live there. We got tired of the landscape (desert), the heat, and the rapidly shrinking Lake Mead. That part of the country is in for a world of hurt - sooner rather than later.

We are moving to another over 55 HOA in Williamsburg, VA. We can hope it's as well run as Sun City Summerlin is.


PersephassaThePurple OP t1_iujnnin wrote

Yeah - I think had we (rather, my husband) felt like dealing with it we could have made an argument and taken it to the attorney on base here.

That sounds like a much better run group than this! There are only only 30-40 houses in our neighborhood and I still don't even know who the president is. We have followed up a few times to get added to the "HOA FaceBook" to be made aware of things... but so far that's crickets. We only found out any of it by a neighbor stopping by with a "finalized" copy of the guidance book and asking why we hadn't submitted to the AC.

We have a time clock here of just 2.5 more years, but we will be making sure we do our HOA research before leaping on a house next time around - or avoiding an HOA entirely depending on where we are stationed. Funny you mentioned Summerlin, as that area is one I'm researching for the next relocation. I'll keep Sun City in mind.