Submitted by Fidlefadle t3_yhi4hw in DIY

Trying to replace a standard depth fixture box with a fan rated box, which tend to be deeper (I could NOT find a standard depth fan rated (50lb) in Canada, which would solve the problem). So I am left with a deeper box that is proud from the drywall at least an inch. The box cannot be recessed further as it's backed up by the roof structure/blocking (old house problems)

I am thinking a thick ceiling medallion (also not easy to find, typically the center is recessed to meet up with the box..) which we have a few of in other areas around the house. Any other ideas?



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topcat5 t1_iudvggt wrote

They make low profile ceiling fan electrical boxes.


240shwag t1_iudxhe9 wrote

You want to use a 4” round pancake fan box, at least that is what we call them in the US. They come with two heavy screws to secure the box to the framing and sit flush with the outside surface of the ceiling.


a_lost_shadow t1_iudzifa wrote


Fidlefadle OP t1_iuemxhb wrote

Yeah this looks perfect, found something similar on Amazon. Thank you!


Penguinis t1_iufk94a wrote

Literally installed that box about 8 hours ago. Works perfect and comes with the screws for install.


25BicsOnMyBureau t1_iue1xk0 wrote

Either a pancake box or just 3 and 7/8" holesaw through this wood and sink your regular box. It's definitely not structural.


Spinaccio t1_iue25m0 wrote

Are you sure the ceiling trim for the fan can’t accommodate the bigger box? Most I’ve installed could.


Guygan t1_iudve8c wrote

That's not the "roof structure" unless you have a flat roof.

Likely that's just blocking that someone installed to hang a fixture from. Cut through it and install a proper box.


thatDirtyRascal t1_iuf89gr wrote

Or just install a shallow box and be able use the blocking that’s there for that very purpose.


PerspectivePure2169 t1_iudw1sh wrote

This. An oscillating tool will get it out in almost less time than it takes to type this.

The right box can be placed against a new piece of wood, and a block wedged against the ceiling from below will help OP get it flush while fastening.


nobamanomore t1_iudvv95 wrote

Put any shallow metal Box then drive some screws through it into the wood.


chumpyis t1_iufyrdn wrote

Fan rated pancake box.


ntyperteasy t1_iugg7xg wrote

I see someone has posted about pancake boxes already. They also make "U" shaped boxes that fit on either side of the joist, and a one-sided version if you aren't centered. I like these as they are strong and give you more volume for the wires.


skittlebog t1_iuef8yl wrote

make a square or octagon box of 1X1's to finish it out.


building_fool t1_iugcxld wrote

Yeah if I really couldn’t get a box to fit I’d make a donut from some really nice wood and fit it on. But yeah OP has what they need.


series_hybrid t1_iufkzal wrote

Can you get a similar box made from heavy thick plastic? Whenever I am forced to work on any of the old junction boxes, I automatically pull it out and upgrade to plastic (I have an old house).

Whether metal or plastic, cut the box until its the right depth. If you can't cut the front because it has the threaded holes for screws from the ceiling fan, then cut the back off the box to make it the right depth.

If there is no integrated wood behind this (it sounds like there is wood behind the box), then add a wood back to the box.

If one side is up against a crossbeam, drill a couple holes on that side of the box to anchor it to the crossbar with deck sscrews.

Lots of options...


robosmrf t1_iuftbul wrote

You're a hack


series_hybrid t1_iufutnp wrote

The right thing to do is order a plastic box that is the right size an shape. Clearly this guy doesnt want to do that.

If he doesn't want to do it the right way, then he is going to do it the wrong way.


hicow t1_iufrk3i wrote

> then cut the back off the box to make it the right depth

Fairly sure that would be a code violation.


series_hybrid t1_iufuoxe wrote

The right thing to do is order a plastic box that is the right size an shape. Clearly this guy doesnt want to do that.


hicow t1_iufvgwr wrote

From the sound of it, he couldn't find one until someone pointed him the right direction


series_hybrid t1_iufvr4v wrote

I admit what I wrote was a bunch of dangerous hacks, but...he didn't ask if he should do it the right way, he asked how to get it to work.
