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TheRealBeakerboy OP t1_iuazn43 wrote

Excellent advice. Unfortunately there is a lot of non-square and non-level issues with the cabinets. My 74 year old father helped me build them and he is often more focused on speed and efficiency over accuracy.


EMCoupling t1_iub103y wrote

> My 74 year old father helped me build them and he is often more focused on speed and efficiency over accuracy.

My father is the same way, it drives me nuts. For me, projects almost aren't worth doing if we just cut corners and take shortcuts the whole way through.


amznfire t1_iudi1nf wrote

Omg my FIL is the same way. Built a short section of fence from random length boards, which is fine because every sane person would just cut off the top with a straight edge.

But no, clamping a straight edge takes too much time, so he free handed it. Guess who now lives with a wonky looking wavy fence.


TheRealBeakerboy OP t1_iuf2u3m wrote

But you wouldn’t have a funny story to tell, or something to joke around with him about if this hadn’t happened.


Keisaku t1_iub1znu wrote

Ah I get it. Thats cool he helped do all that though. To be fair I dont do shit when I'm home so...


_Face t1_iud5an8 wrote

If it’s not accurate, it’s not efficient. It’s just fast.