DKgames2 t1_iy3ygej wrote
I tried with a strap wrench but to no avail
Diligent_Nature t1_iy41kla wrote
Pipe wrench is the next step. It will scratch the plastic, but so what.
Arcade80sbillsfan t1_iy3ywlx wrote
Maybe something rigged like a breaker bar around a strap that you can add lots of length for leverage?
Most likely it's kind of hung up on a burr... I remember regularly using one that was at a job and just more leverage was the answer.
Otherwise I don't have any great ideas as I doubt this is a lubricant scenario.
carlbernsen t1_iy3ym3e wrote
Can you give the drill model number?
DKgames2 t1_iy3ysy7 wrote
Its a KR714CRES
carlbernsen t1_iy40wjs wrote
Reading up on it there doesn’t seem to be a special trick, just push the spindle lock button and twist anti clockwise.
However, keyless chucks do sometimes bind and one trick is to tap the end of the drill bit sharply with a hammer. Obviously this might damage the end of the bit, so wear safety glasses.
sailorlazarus t1_iy40bzu wrote
Well, it will depend on what exactly is causing it to stick. Lubricant and then gently heating the chuck with a heat gun might help. As might tapping the chuck with a small hammer or wrench while you are applying leverage. Unless you don't mind losing the drill, I'd avoid going just a straight more force route.
midday_star t1_iy3zq4n wrote
It is semi-soldered to drill because of missuse. Bit probably were stuck in object while drill head still tried to spin it.
You will need to pull and easy hit bit from all sides, if it breaks just make sure it breaks so that it still sticks out.
And unscrew the head completely to give it room.
Diligent_Nature t1_iy41cal wrote
> just make sure it breaks so that it still sticks out.
How does one do that?
sailorlazarus t1_iy41din wrote
If the chuck can open freely, then this is probably the solution. However, if the chuck is binding around the bit and can't open to give the bit room to release, doing this will just break the bit.
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Arcade80sbillsfan t1_iy3y7u9 wrote
Looks like a keyless chuck....maybe a strap wrench would help.