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Ivantroffe t1_iwssn5m wrote

I checked again and the floor is at a 2 degree slope. Sorry, no idea where I got the other number from. Apologies!


FeteFatale t1_ix3s0r5 wrote

All's good :D

It's probably better to run a level over it (so the the level is ... level) and to express things in feet & inches (or meters & mm). So you end up with something like ... "my bathroom's 8'6" across, and has a fall of 2¾" ... " - because anyone that would work on your floor is going to want hard numbers, and someone's going to have to translate those degrees into inches anyway. Get rid of the unnecessary complication - it's like giving your address as a GPS coordinate and height above mean sea level instead of saying "1234 Main St, Pleasantville".