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StanleyDards t1_iw2sz63 wrote

Maybe gut the dryer, but keep the cord in place. Get some kind of fake hand or rubber glove to “hold” the dryer. Install a very small low powered fan into the body (eBay). Add short streamers so the fan blows them. Add a small motor to make it wave back and forth. Add a small digital recording that periodically says “My hair is Hot!” and other quirky sayings.

Mount it all on a gooseneck stand. Done!

Looking forward to seeing this.


Waltzing_With_Bears t1_iw2vsl3 wrote

Could pull it apart and do a shadow box with the components in an exploded view


AllenRBrady t1_iw2zkxv wrote

I like the idea of attaching a fake hand, but I would make it a lamp instead of a fan. If you don't want to muck around with wiring, you can get rechargeable, color changing LED puck lights, and just tuck one inside the barrel. Some of those are remote activated, so you wouldn't even need a switch.


goverc t1_iw332y7 wrote

could replace the internals with the parts from a flashlight, wire it up to the controls of the hairdryer so the buttons still work. If you or someone you know is knowledgeable with electronics and soldering, if there's a blow or heat toggle for different levels of fan speed or heat-cool, this could translate to light intensity with more or less bulbs/LEDs on at a time, or colour using RGB-LEDs.


pickanotherusername t1_iw36k2v wrote

Gut it. Attach feet so that it points up. Cut the top off a plastic drink bottle and insert the bottle into the barrel of the hair dryer, open end up. Now fill it with flowers. Enjoy your new vase.


warrant2k t1_iw3echs wrote

Remove the guys and replace with a light. Mount the light on a stand or moveable arm.


nestcto t1_iw3i1jy wrote

I like this one.

It may sound silly to some, but it's a great way to address the "sentimental electronic" issue. Y'know. Your old walkman from high-school, your first game console. Broken with no hope of repair, but too many memories.

Instead of letting it rot in a drawer, or throwing most of it away on some other repurpose, use the whole thing in a shadowbox display.


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