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Westerdutch t1_iydanfh wrote

> So the lightbulb in the master bedroom stopped working.

Any idea what caused it to stop working? If nothing changed theres no real reason for it to break.


thetinsnail t1_iydbelq wrote

Exactly this. I want to know everything that happened between the lights working correctly and now.


Westerdutch t1_iydd1wu wrote

Yup, tearing your house apart should never be step one. Other than the bulb there are not a whole lot of things here that can randomly break. Someone changed something, that change is the prime suspect and not everything else that always worked fine.


BSPirat OP t1_iydd3e4 wrote

Have no idea. My wife switched it on and it turned on but flickered for a bit and switched off. No changes have been made and this is the only one that doesn’t work. I already have a good idea what is the cable with the issue. After I confirm it’s the problematic one and find what has happened with it, most probably I will find out why it happened.


Westerdutch t1_iyde5s6 wrote

A cable failing would be a weird one... Hope its something obvious like a rodent eating through something because if the wiring in the walls of your house are capable of spontaneous failure like that you will have much larger problems than one bulb not turning on.


tiredofmakingshelves t1_iyddhmc wrote

It's in the UK, so start of winter. I'd bet either a mouse has moved in and chewed through a cable in the attic, or there was an old damaged cable in the wall with a screw through it and slight house movements due to temperature have moved damaged cable ends apart.


Westerdutch t1_iydeyx0 wrote

> either a mouse

Yeah thats what i thought too. I just hope for OP that this is not a case of aluminium wiring deciding to give out because that would indicate a much wider issue but i dont think that was ever an issue in the UK (they did that weird ring mains thing to save on copper iirc).