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ejpierle t1_ix7d62o wrote

Semi related. Sometimes figuring out what something is called is the hardest part of buying it. I needed a specific kind of switch one time for a project I was working on. I knew I had seen something similar on a garage door once, but I kept searching 'garage door switch' and stuff and wasn't seeing it. . Took forever to figure out what the damn thing was called, but once I did, I had it bought in about 30 seconds. It was called a rolling limit switch.


PlasmaSigma t1_ix7bhqs wrote

Setup blocks.


Pretty-Information53 OP t1_ix7bpuc wrote

Oh s**t! Was It that simple? I thought It had a more technical name... Thank you


PlasmaSigma t1_ix7c2ln wrote

Your welcome. Atleast that is what they are called on the woodworking side of things. Machinist use something similar, "gauge blocks".


Guygan t1_ix7u4yp wrote

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