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beforewhom t1_iy9ta38 wrote

Dust collector collects visible dust. Always protect your lungs by constantly filtering the air. Air Filtration cannot be understated especially in stagnant environments like a basement. This becomes even more important if your furnace/register is in the basement.


StraightUpBullfrog t1_iy9zwf4 wrote

Agreed, from what I've read, the sub 1-micron is the worst for you health-wise, and as mentioned here, invisible to the naked eye. The more filtration/air changes, the better. May be worth looking into grabbing a Dylos or equivalent air quality monitor to make sure whatever measures you're putting in place are actually working the way you think they are. I believe mine measures down to 0.3um?....a couple hundred bucks invested in having healthy lungs in the future is a bargain in my world. Also a big fan of cyclone + venting the DC outside but I understand that isn't always possible.


Ad-Nauseam91 OP t1_iyax9dl wrote

I could probably vent it out through the small windows in my basement, that’s how my dryer vent is setup today already.

How is DC vented outside? Like how I plan to set mine up, hoses to tools, that go through cyclone then into the filter canister with bag attached to that. Does the venting happen after the canister filter? Sorry newb question but having trouble picturing it.