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JonArvedon t1_iycqvrv wrote

I forgot I had a pack of Devcon epoxy bathtub repair, so I’m gonna try my luck with that. I already sanded a little bit past the track, so I should just need to spread the epoxy, lay the fiberglass cloth over that, and then spread more epoxy over that.

EDIT: I just finished and it looks awful. I'll maybe try tidying it up around the edges with some smooth grit sandpaper when it's dry, but we're probably moving within the next five years or so, so worst case scenario, I knocked a couple grand off the asking price of my house, haha.


nobamanomore t1_iyczmjr wrote

Don’t knock the price of the house give a repair allowance at closing.


[deleted] OP t1_iydh38m wrote



nobamanomore t1_iyduggm wrote

Yes, I agree that’s what I meant. I wouldn’t say anything until it comes up in the inspection.


[deleted] OP t1_iydgy7z wrote



JonArvedon t1_iydi4wf wrote

I was kidding, haha. It looks terrible right now but it's just aesthetic -- I'd rather have it ugly and keep water out than have a barely visible crack that lets water in. There's a hole in the laminate floor in the basement from when I dropped a 500 lbs. barbell doing squats, so there are several things in my home that buyers may question but I'm not going to advertise them. We can deal with that stuff if they ask about it.