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dominus_aranearum t1_ix23b98 wrote

> for fences they recommend 1/3 - 1/2 of the exposed height

Fences aren't carrying a vertical load so the recommended burying distance is irrelevant in this case. Fences need to withstand wind forces perpendicular to the posts, hence the below ground support. For uplift, the structure needs a proper footing and brackets.


jinbtown t1_ix271xp wrote

Lateral stability is extremely important for posts carrying a gantry. Gantries have 4 feet forming a triangle for this exact reason! You're totally right about uplift which is v important for open structures


dominus_aranearum t1_ix27cex wrote

I misread what you wrote. My ADHD meds have worn off for the day and my reading comprehension has apparently been compromised.


jinbtown t1_ix27py0 wrote

ugh i feel like an ass, my apologies. edited my comment. thanks for chiming in


dominus_aranearum t1_ix2eq0b wrote

No need, I didn't take it personally. I'm one of those seemingly rare people up here that prefers to be corrected if I'm wrong. I'd rather learn something new than get offended. Have a great night!