[this video] (https://youtu.be/rTkqg1Dzax0) covers converting an old Ford truck. It'll give you an idea of how complex and expensive of a problem it is.
With the weight of the bus you would need a lot of batteries, which make it much more expensive as well.
Not sure they can be purchased yet, but magna is building drop in motorized axles for trucks that sound very interesting. Looks like it would be a great way to start. I imagine they're very expensive though....
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LargeMonty t1_ixp1n03 wrote
[this video] (https://youtu.be/rTkqg1Dzax0) covers converting an old Ford truck. It'll give you an idea of how complex and expensive of a problem it is.
With the weight of the bus you would need a lot of batteries, which make it much more expensive as well.