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anon_e_mous9669 t1_iy4egqs wrote

Why not look into Powerline adapters? They aren't the fastest compared to the best ethernet or wifi, but a good pair of powerline adapters will give you close to 100mbps depending on how good the wiring in the house is.

I had this problem when setting up an office above the garage and bought an older version of these: [TP Link Powerline Adapters] ( and it worked pretty well. Might save you from dealing with the wires.


Happy13178 t1_iy4ql1s wrote

The only problem with powerline is what you mentioned....depends a lot on the existing wiring. Older houses have bigger issues with this than newer ones.


anon_e_mous9669 t1_iy50j4n wrote

I agree, but it would be something I would try out before I tried buying a fish tape and running a line through an unknown conduit. Worst case it doesn't work and gets returned.