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whyunoletmepost t1_ixzpkmv wrote

It's prob cheaper and easier to just buy a smaller/different spec projector since doing this right would involve at least 1-2k to have an engineer make sure it works plus another 1k for labor and parts . Easy 2-3k for the whole project and a good projector is only 1-2k.


mejelic OP t1_iy04woo wrote

2-3k is less than my projector costs ;)


whyunoletmepost t1_iy0d4q9 wrote

Might be worth it then. Check craigslist for engineering options if you want to go cheaper but there is possible trade off with time or quality. Do a google search if you are good to pay closer to the 3k total and chances are it will go faster and be a better design. Make sure to only pay 50% max up front or they might take forever to finish.


Pairadockcickle t1_iy3xdfu wrote

Got to love people downvoting out of spite. Grats bud - get some help setting it up right and this room is gonna be a BANGER!