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jiffyparkinglot t1_iwhtwju wrote

Put the crown molding back on


thomisnotmydad t1_iwhvda3 wrote

Sarcastic answer but actually the right one. Molding isn’t purely decorative, it’s meant to cover gaps at surface transitions because it’s really hard to get things to align perfectly.


jiffyparkinglot t1_iwhvsdn wrote

Sorry didn’t intend to come off sarcastic - molding is your cheapest and fastest option. Want to do it yourself ? Just buy the $1 / foot crown molding and buy some crown molding corner blocks to avoid coping


thomisnotmydad t1_iwil3g9 wrote

Ah i meant to clarify for OP that it wasn’t as sarcastic as it sounds. Both on the same page, excellent.


[deleted] t1_iwhv52o wrote

Easily? Not going to happen!


darthlegal t1_iwhwckl wrote

Why was the crown molding removed?


jakkarth t1_iwhyrxs wrote

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