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StillWill18 t1_ixkmr2x wrote

Get advion gel for ants. Put it around the area where the ants are. Let them eat it and bring it to the nest. If you find any nests around that area outside. Put it near them, too. When it’s not going to rain. Find any source of moisture/water. Eliminate it. Within 1-2 years, the ants are gone.

I paid an exterminator $450 to put the gel down. They told me to buy it on Amazon and do it myself. Best $450 I ever spent. Ants were gone forever. In less than 2 years. Cost $35 for 4 tubes on Amazon. Barely used 1/2 of one tube. Ants Gone.

For me, it was the bathroom window leaking water to outside. Once that was cured. With a shade to keep water off the window. The advion killed the ants.

Can’t help you with anything else.


ChocoTacoz t1_ixkyy63 wrote

Good on the tech for telling you to get it yourself. I would too if my company were fleecing people like that, we charge almost half as much and that's in Los Angeles which isn't a cheap marker for pest control.


StillWill18 t1_ixml0nz wrote

Yeah. He said we charge way too much for this, when you can buy it on Amazon for $35.


ChocoTacoz t1_ixn0vt8 wrote

If you ever have a new bug problem I can recommend the best product to buy. Feel free to message me.