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minesskiier t1_j10msrn wrote

Take it a part and see what holding it up.


JonJackjon t1_j10pnb4 wrote

As stated you will have to take it apart. Actually I just did the same thing with my similar lock. I cleaned it with WD-40, then alcohol to remove the WD-40 (because it will stick when cold) and lubed it with graphite dry lube.

You will have to remove the bolt and clean that as well.

I think this is pretty simple, not a lot of intricate parts to deal with.


joshhupp t1_j10pz14 wrote

I just replaced old knobs and I tightened the screws on one too tight which made the handle tough to turn. See if loosening the screws helps


ToolMeister t1_j11309q wrote

Now that it's taken apart, does the knob and spindle rotate without issues? If yes, then the latch is your problem. Next, see if the latch moves freely. If it doesn't, clean and re-lube. If both parts work good while taken apart, then the assembly on the door was the problem, i.e. mounted too tight/at an angle etc.


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JonJackjon t1_j11xaxd wrote

I didn't look for anything. I sprayed the whole mechanism with WD-40 moved the parts by hand many times. Make sure the mechanism operates freely. Wiped off most of the WD-40 with a paper towel. Lubricated with graphite and reinstalled.