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AceDetective427 t1_j1vj5ef wrote

No one mentioned it, but 8 standard duplex outlets is A LOT to have on one 20A circuit as you have it drawn currently. You should also check local code and NECA because I'm mot even sure you can have that much potential load in a room designated as a bedroom. I would break that up into at least 2x circuits with 4 outlets each, and then run a shared circuit for the lighting in all areas as the electrician already noted. Worst thing would be to trip a breaker due to outlet overload or short and end up sitting in the dark sorting it out.


dilligaf4lyfe t1_j1vxvub wrote

A) There are no code limits to how many general use receptacles can be on a residential circuit. This is actually contentious, many people will say they must be calculated at 180VA, but the 180VA number is derived from calculations for non-residential feeder demand. I'm on the "It's not code enforceable" side of the fence, but I still size circuits at 180VA per receptacle. Basically, in my opinion, it's a design question, which is ostensibly outside of the scope of the NEC.

B) Let's say you do think it's code enforceable, cool, 180VA gets you max 13 receptacles per circuit. So, 8 is totally fine. If these are general receptacles with unknown loads. If you do know the loads, add those up and calculate 180VA for the rest of the receptacles that are general use. There's a little more that can go into it depending on the space and how it's being used, but generally speaking 8 on a 20 is perfectly fine.

C) NECA is the National Electrical Contractor's Association, the NEC is the National Electrical Code.


fatherfirst35 OP t1_j1vkkpy wrote

4 on a 20a breaker seems like way overkill. Every other bedroom was wired with at least 6 on a 15a breaker. This bedroom though will be a guest bedroom so there won’t be much load anyways. I will probably switch it up and wire the lighting separate though as suggested.


dilligaf4lyfe t1_j1vy3xp wrote

You're right, it is overkill, I outlined the load calcs in another comment.


AceDetective427 t1_j1vne8m wrote

If it was me, I would do the standard 1 per wall unless you have a specific reason or intent to have more in that area. Maybe put 2, one on either side of the bed for nightstands on that wall like you generally have in a master bedroom. If you are only doing 5 or 6 total outlets then 1 circuit should be enough, but when I saw 8 outlets I figured this was going to be like a hobby room with workbenches or something where more power would be warranted.