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JAREDSAVAGE t1_j1uglnm wrote

Don’t listen to anyone telling you to cut or fix this with a new fitting. That pipe is very corroded and appears to have been wrapped to stop a pinhole leak. The rest of the pipe that isn’t visible is likely in just as bad shape and needs to be inspected. My money is on it being just as bad as the small portion we see.

It’s going to be more work, but you need to replace all of the pipe that is in this condition. If it’s not already leaking under the floor, it will be in the near future.


BoringBob84 t1_j1uyplh wrote

I think that, once they remove that tape, they will know more. Maybe someone over-tightened the compression nut and then added the tape to cover the leak.

That is a different problem than a crack or corrosion hole in the pipe itself.


JAREDSAVAGE t1_j1v32l4 wrote

Definitely difficult to know from a single photo, but given the amount of copper acetate that’s showing, my gut says the pipe isn’t in good shape.

Dealing with similar stuff myself these days, and I’ve found that it’s best to yank and replace clean when encountering this kind of thing. 100-year old buildings are fun.


BoringBob84 t1_j1v8iu0 wrote

You are probably correct. Our house is "only" 50 years old, so things are only half as messed up. ;).