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BoringBob84 t1_j1uy9pg wrote

So, it is a standard project, then. /silly


Modifierf6 t1_j1xsibw wrote

Lmao. Yeah 5 years into buying house. Every project started small warped into much larger commitments. We are slow learners..😂😂


BoringBob84 t1_j1zlb1l wrote

It has taken us a few years just to "fix" our broken closet door:

  • We "had to" upgrade to new and better doors.
  • We "had to" tear out the old shelves, repair the drywall, and paint.
  • We "had to" build and install new shelves.
  • We had to modify the door frames and rails (because they were not square, nor a standard size) to fit in the space.
  • We had to repair the damage to the wall from the mistakes.
  • Then, we could finally install the new doors and haul the old doors and hardware to the landfill.

... standard scope creep! ;)


Slokunshialgo t1_j1zxkxu wrote

If it makes you feel better, we started renovating our bathroom in February.

Ripping out old half-wall tile, replacing the floor, new tub, shower walls, then floor-to-ceiling wall tile.

Not a lot of scope creep, just a lot of scope. We're finally finishing it this week...


Modifierf6 t1_j23jqhl wrote

Pulled paneling off in a breezeway/and the garage to find electric lines not counter sunk behind studs. Didn’t have to but felt compelled in case my kids take the house and because I’m likely to “forget” where the lines are behind drywall! Had to upgrade the flooring because it was carpet that coming loose and would be a terrible idea in a gym/shop floor for everyone to trip with power tools and weights on the shoulders. These are things we didn’t think of till after we started. And since this is are first seems like don’t think about that stuff till after we’ve already dug in and done reconstruction. Our next big project is a remodel of an old bathroom in the basement. Wish us luck!😂😂


Modifierf6 t1_j23jtif wrote

What is scope creep?? I’m lost


BoringBob84 t1_j24dbho wrote

Sometimes, I hear friends complain that their contractor called and "wants more money" because they found some unexpected surprises in the course of the job.

There could be cases where the contractor is looking for excuses to increase the scope of the job, but I have done enough jobs myself to know that unpleasant surprises are the rule, rather than the exception. When it is safety-related (like the improperly-installed wiring that you discovered), then it is dangerous to ignore it.