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dsmaxwell t1_j26mkxf wrote

I suspect that the red wire goes to the hot input for the pathway lights that now don't work at all. First, check the red wire at the sensor and confirm it does not have AC voltage present when disconnected, then pull the nearest light to the sensor and I bet you'll find the other end of that red wire. A quick continuity test will confirm that.

That being the case, just wire that red line in with the sensor's output and they'll light up just like they used to.

Now, that all changes if you have AC present on that red line with it disconnected, because then they ran 220v to it for who knows why. I strongly suspect they just ran the 220 wire because they intended to use the 4th leg as a separate switched circuit kind of thing, but still on 110v


Felaguin OP t1_j26ol5i wrote

So the current sensor doesn’t have a red wire which is why my brother capped it off. I’m assuming replacing the sensor with a 3-wire sensor would re-enable the pathway lights by reconnecting the red wire but they will only light up when this sensor detects someone in the driveway heading to the gate. Is there a way to make the pathway light up when someone at the gate heads for the driveway?


dsmaxwell t1_j26p105 wrote

Can't tell you that without a diagram or putting eyeballs on it myself. I was having a hard time following your description as it was.


Felaguin OP t1_j27cawd wrote

Had to open Reddit in browser on laptop since the iOS app didn't let me attach pictures but I edited the main post to put a diagram in.


pharraoh t1_j27ftv3 wrote

Just going to piggy back here cause I can’t reply to your original post for some reason.

The new fixture he bought doesn’t have an output for the sensor. You need a fixture with that output to get the rest of the lights to work again.

As for your other question. It depends. You’ll have to take the light off that you want to replace with a motion and check if it has the 3 wires in the box or not. If it does it will be white to white and fixture black to red with the black of the cables just passing through the box. If that’s what you see then you can add a motion there as well. If you only see the black and white then you can’t without some sort of wireless sensor that Im not sure exists.

Hope that helps.


iAmRiight t1_j27jvfr wrote

That “diagram” you drew doesn’t add much context without knowing what wires go where. Maybe post a picture of the original and new motion sensors with enough detail to identify the sensors, the wires and any information on the units, along with what wires are present and where they connected on the original.