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Yummy-Beetle-Juice t1_j25ede5 wrote

Installing a window is probably best.

However, to patch it is going to need some work. I do not see any outside photos. My biggest concern is the opening to the elements. Install stucco or sidding on the outside. Install insulation in the wall. Foam board or fiberglass insulation. Sheetrock, tape, texture, prime, and paint the inside.

Edit: Make sure to take out the wood molding in the pic. When installing the sheetrock, make sure it is flush with the rest of the wall so it will look smooth when finished as if it was never patched.


Pulaski540 t1_j27mrrd wrote

A window would be relatively difficult, time-consuming, and expensive (it will need a custom size), not to mention that it will almost certainly look weird due to size and/ or location with respect to the floor and/or other windows.