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Creative-Trick-2310 OP t1_j1ofyvg wrote

I do hope you are right. it will take a week probably to get results. I'm in full freaking b.itch mode until then.


SmileFirstThenSpeak t1_j1ojplu wrote

> I'm in full freaking b.itch mode until then.

How is that helping anyone? The child isn't feeling well, and having an adult freaking out certainly isn't helping them feel any better. It's winter, kids get sniffles all the time.


cneedsaspanking t1_j1oickh wrote

Asbestos isn't a big deal unless it's constant daily exposure. Most of the country has spent significant time in buildings with asbestos. Your kid is gonna be fine.


efffffff_u t1_j1ojmco wrote

Relax. Your child isn’t going to die or even get sick because of this even if there is asbestos. And don’t be angry with your husband, both of you decided to do this renovation. If you wanted to test it first then you should have ordered a kit and tested it. Don’t blame him after the fact. Try to get some sleep.


Throwawaychica t1_j1ojpse wrote

Unless you're working with it daily for years, you'll be alright.


SecurelyObscure t1_j1ok04z wrote

Just tearing down some drywall isn't likely to release much asbestos, even if it has it. They didn't put a lot in the boards or mud, it was the workers who were sanding the stuff for 8 hours a day that were in trouble.

Frankly I wouldn't have gotten the test done at all. For a low-asbestos product, it doesn't change how you deal with it (ventilation, don't grind or cut, breathing protection) and if it comes back positive, you're going to have to report that finding to anyone you sell the house to.

But yeah, it takes multiple decades to cause cancer, is almost always because of chronic exposure, and doesn't hurt children in particular like lead. So maybe take it easy on the guy.