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lumberjake1 t1_j27eboz wrote

I like it when the video is broken up at the bottom so I can skip to certain parts easy. I almost always skip the intro. Voice over is nice. Fast tempo for sure.


brock_lee t1_j27f0qj wrote

I hate produced intros. I like when people skip "boring" process. If you say "now I will cut this out with scissors", show the start and end and any tips for odd things along the way, but don't make me watch two minutes of cutting out a shape. I watch a lot of easy recipe videos that are 9 minutes and can be 3 or 4.


alundaio t1_j27hyjz wrote

Not sure you can remedy this other than trying to be entertaining because I can't recall many diy vid I sit through without skipping around. Even project farm videos I skip to end to see which products performed the best and actually feel guilty doing it.

I watch This Old House on topics I'm not even interested in because it's so poorly scripted when there are interactions; I get a laugh. Home Renovision is another channel I might watch an entire video because he sometimes throws in unrelated tips that are useful for a variety of applications. He has charisma.


Lachee t1_j27nj10 wrote

ADHD goes brrrr


Somerset76 t1_j27sy4m wrote

I like seeing the before and after upfront


LifeOfHi t1_j27utbf wrote

More show, less tell


FlatterFlat t1_j27v58x wrote

Depends! A few days ago I watched 25 minutes of how to make a traditional Japanese boot (I have plans to make boots!). Same day I skipped around in a tutorial video on how to use a specific tool because it was too long at 4 minutes.

For a "fixing stuff" channel, I would like things like "this is before, this is after", so I know I'm watching the right thing. Challenge yourself on how to do things extremely fast, if you want to show how to fix a zipper (that is a thing?), show the start of steps normal speed, then sped up/cut away, then end of step. No music for me, it can drown out instructions. And timestamps!


Guygan t1_j2896gg wrote

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