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wittignj t1_j2e6bdx wrote

Could make one. 2 hinges & weld/fasten together.


brock_lee t1_j2e6jrx wrote

Can't you just replace your hinges with a pair you can buy? You can find sets all over the internet. Do you have a picture that can show why that set is different?


flatliner2 t1_j2ea4nq wrote

Mine did that too, they deliberately don’t sell replacement parts due to liability is what I was told when I contacted them. Additionally, all hinges were riveted instead of bolted for this very reason…being too hard to replace. Mine was made out of pot metal that failed, the new designs were steel. Unfortunately, I had to replace the whole thing. Good luck…


TheShoot141 t1_j2efnaj wrote

Thankfully they arent too crazy expensive. Home Depot sells aluminum ones, more durable than the old wood. They also have pistons to move with the ladder when unfolding or folding. Wayyyyy safer than the springs. I had an old metal spring explode on the ladder in my garage. Not good.


neel2004 t1_j2exqos wrote

Probably not what you want to hear, but check for a stamped date on the ladder assembly somewhere - I learned that they have an expiration date, and should be replaced if they are old enough.

If the hinge is completely unavailable, it could be a sign that it's a design that needs to be replaced.


Mela777 t1_j2ey37r wrote

A quick google for “folding ladder hinge” brought up a number of results, including some that look similar to the one on your photo.


ArcanaNoir t1_j2f3zvd wrote

Can you post a link to one of those new-fangled piston ladders? The springs on my attic ladder always make me nervous. One of them is barely hanging on but I’m afraid to mess with it.


Material_Swimmer2584 t1_j2fdf29 wrote

recently tried with replacement looked close but wasn't the same. Now it leans one way a bit. Probably will replace soon.


Freesailer919 t1_j2fmorh wrote

I personally consider it safety gear and would start budgeting to replace it - it’s actually not very difficult and can be done with 2 people. Worth the peace of mind to not have an accident. Assuming you’re a homeowner and can’t make a landlord fix, here’s a couple source videos to help you understand the scope of the job:

This Old House Always a great reference

Lowes / Werner ladder install video Straight from the horses mouth

I’ve seen the wooden attic ladders go on sale as low as $100, at Lowes. Even if you don’t want to replace it yourself, you could save up, buy on sale, and pay a handyman to come install your ladder for you.

Good luck!