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Aqueousfun OP t1_j2e0u23 wrote

Shut off the water for about eight hours. No change in tank water level, I dyed it blue to make sure it wasn’t somehow leaking into the bowl. The dye also helped me figure out water wasn’t getting into the overflow


Guygan t1_j2e0z84 wrote

Then it sounds like there isn’t a leak and you’re seeing something that isn’t there.


Aqueousfun OP t1_j2e1a4l wrote

Well, it’s definitely there as I can wipe the side of the bowl with a towel dry, and a moment later there are downward trails of water albeit very slow trails.


Guygan t1_j2e2k6i wrote

Then you have some sort of magic water or something paranormal happening. Call an exorcist, or Dumbledore.


coolhandluke45 t1_j2e90hy wrote

Might just be residual water slowly draining down.


Aqueousfun OP t1_j2ecemq wrote

I’m hoping that’s the issue, it’s just crazy it’s taking this long to drain out after a flush from 18+ hours ago.


Carorack t1_j2ejqx3 wrote

Stop over thinking it. If water isn't leaking from the refill tube and the bowl water isnt turning blue; job done.


mrpickles t1_j2eewcq wrote

This is with the supply shut off?


Aqueousfun OP t1_j2eirpf wrote

At one point yes, I’ll shut the water off again and see if it eventually stops


Classic-Carpenter810 t1_j2ekfs9 wrote

Also flush the toilet so that the tank does not contain water while doing this experiment. If there is no leak now then it means the flapper is leaking water. Also in such kinds of leaks you will never hear the tank getting refilled because it is continuously getting refilled as it is leaking.


Refreshingpudding t1_j2fq7jp wrote

You have a small trickle from the two gaskets that hold the tank to the rest of the toilet