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Why_T t1_j1zhqr2 wrote

I’ve seen this pop up on Reddit all the time. People like to believe there is a scientifically exact place your TV should be. But I don’t sit on my grandmas old hard couch when I watch tv and I like to put my knees up when I’m in my recliner. So if I put it where Reddit demands I put it, I can’t see it.

But apparently I’m the one that’s wrong. 🤷‍♂️


Aggravating-Key199 OP t1_j1zibgy wrote

:D Exactly :) + im also watching mine from kitchen while cooking :) Just have to use these 83 inches of perfection here = im doing it while standing sooo… but the other commenters will definitely say what im doing wrong here :) Maybe a second TV ?, like the ones with VHS tape because that’s the best media storage thingy ? :D But to be honest, if You have nothing good to say here, keep it to yourself :) im not asking if i should put my TV somewhere else :) I have a pretty exact description of my problem :)