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MyHeadIsCrooked t1_iz7slws wrote

Depending on your environment, outdoor TVs are designed to be able to withstand high humidity and direct sunlight. They have a MUCH brighter screen and they are more robust. A normal TV used outdoors will ultimately not be bright enough unless you are able to shield it from the sun. It also may not hold up under very heavy humid climates but should do fine in dryer climates. The heat and brightness factor may impact how it fares outside. But, realistically, TVs are so cheap now, if you get 2 years out of it and it dies, just buy a new one.


votegoat814 OP t1_iz7tpnr wrote

That's actually why I'm putting one outside, black friday sale so cheap!!! Not worried about the sunlight as it is shielded. Maybe I just cross my fingers and see what happens! :)