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WrrntyExprd t1_iz8brp6 wrote

Two ways- either twisting the knob off and removing the hidden screw, or turning the whole thing. Either way, it WILL unscrew.


FORluvOFdaGAME OP t1_iz8cds8 wrote

I guess this was the answer I was looking for. It's a rental house so I didn't want to fuck it up but I guess I'll give it a real hard turn. I tried pretty hard and it wasn't budging but I'll really try now


anon702170 t1_iz8cfj0 wrote

Can you unscrew the stopper? If they can't be taken apart under the sink, they normally unscrew or there's a small set screw somewhere.

Otherwise, you can buy plastic drain clog removers that get into tight spaces. Girls with long hair keep these things busy.


woodandjeeps t1_iz8adwr wrote

Pic would help also most of the screws off or there is a set screw


[deleted] t1_iz8dm5v wrote



badwolfdad t1_iz8adp0 wrote

Had one of these. Took a while but my unscrewed


knot_that_smart t1_iz8dp8u wrote

There can be a set screw on the bottom of the stopper too. The plug sits on a post in the drain in the case


the_painful_arc t1_iz95gbh wrote

Trombone Brush. Not a joke. Narrow, flexible, and very long. Not a joke.


messn210 t1_iz9b04v wrote

If it doesn't come off after screwing the pull off then the base has an O ring and unless you have a special tool it's a pain to remove, especially without damaging it.


jakkarth t1_iz9m216 wrote

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