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Diabolixide t1_j25xlr4 wrote

You're NOT alone! My house is just as bad and I swear it's alive. Would take me half a day to list everything that's gone wrong in the last year and I too am vigilant about maintenance and have sank any extra money into it. Losing the race of things breaking faster than I can fix or replace them. I spend the majority my free time working on it. Honestly, it's hell.


dripdropflipflopx OP t1_j25y4j7 wrote

Brother!!!! I’ve had so much go wrong in so little time. Good to know there are other hell houses out there. Stay strong. We should set up a support group! 😄


Diabolixide t1_j25yyan wrote

Seriously, lol! Yeah man, this house is stealing my life force. Trying to keep it together so that my kid has a house without a sky-high mortgage someday when he's ready. But I'm really wondering if it would be more of a burden for him like it is for me.