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wisym t1_j20sldd wrote

  1. Figure out what I want this thing to be.
  2. Measure the space
  3. adjust plans to fit into space
  4. calculate needed material for project
  5. start project
  6. Run into limits of laws of physics that won't let me do the idea as planned.
  7. Adjust
  8. Go to Menards for missing materials in Step 4.
  9. GOTO 6
  10. END

El_Lorenzo OP t1_j20sxlo wrote

It's always great to run into people who are also short on material, during the running project. Not very uplifting but at least you are not alone


wisym t1_j20tja1 wrote

Or sometimes you're over on supplies and have no idea why. "I have this entire case left, but all of my calculations say that I should have nothing left. Whyyyyyyy?"


El_Lorenzo OP t1_j20xplo wrote

Yeah, i recently had this situation with multiple packs of screws... In the store i was like "yeah i'm gonna take those for that, then those and this size too for there" a week later when i was putting the stuff together i was wondering why i bought so many different screws...