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owmyball OP t1_j296oy5 wrote

A follow up question - how bad would you say the wood is? In definite need of replacement? Or...could be salvaged for a few years until a full bathroom replacement is done?


rearwindows t1_j297goi wrote

Depends on the flooring used. A floating floor would be best. If it is not spongy feeling, it'll probably last a long time. The mold will get worse over time. Do not use a sealant on the wood. It'll trap the water. If you don't fix the cause of the water, it will begin to smell musty.


owmyball OP t1_j298fvd wrote

Makes sense, thanks again! Also, as a contractor if you for some reason are in the Philadelphia/SE PA area and would be interested in quoting out replacement please shoot me a DM!