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CorpseCrasher t1_j1uvi9d wrote

Heya, former WA peep here! If you're in one of the older houses with that setup (esp in the Kitsap area), highly highly recommend having a plan in case that basement floods, even a few inches.

I lived out in the Kitsap area for a hot minute, and every major rain storm trickled into our basement one way or another, so check your basement out during and after storms from time to time.

If you have a neighbor you're cool with who has a similar house layout, ask them if it's ever been an issue where you're at.


DirtyScoobie OP t1_j1v4pzy wrote

Hey! Yeah, the previous owner did waterproof the basement by excavating down to the foundation on the outside and putting in french drains and such. Still, I make the rounds after every little rain (that's a lot of shoe leather!) and make sure the sump pump is working, too.