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Diligent_Nature t1_j1o3cky wrote

First make sure the charger is working by charging a different phone. Leave it on the charger for 24 hours and see if it takes a charge. When batteries go below a certain voltage their protection circuit disconnects them from the load. It may only trickle charge.

> he actually revived it

I don't know what that means. Ask him to do it again and give it a full charge. The battery or phone could be bad.


Syndicofberyl t1_j1o99hk wrote

If it won't keep a charge I'd replace the whole battery. What phone is it out of


Likesdirt t1_j1oh408 wrote

Too old to have much hope. 18 years is too many.

A new budget phone will be a much better investment than trying to track down a newly manufactured battery for a phone designed to last 3 years.

There's also no service for 2G phones in most places anymore, and very limited service for the phones that replaced this one.


Guygan t1_j1ol149 wrote

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