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frlejo t1_izsskj4 wrote

It will fall off eventually. Better do it now


ergodicthoughts_ t1_izt6ois wrote

I actually wouldn't be shocked if it didn't fall off... Don't get me wrong it absolutely needs to be torn out and redone, but some of these shitty tile jobs I've torn out that were there for 20yrs are complete trash and still held up. I'm talking tiles with barely a dab of joint compound on them. Honestly the grout would likely keep the whole thing up for a decent while lol. But still, definitely want to fix it to avoid the risk


KristinnK t1_iztxm6q wrote

That's the thing about taking shortcuts. It actually works a lot of the time. But sometimes it doesn't work, and that's the people that are going to comment the most on these types of threads.

Not saying he shouldn't tear it down, especially since it hasn't fully set yet. But he would probably have been fine either way, especially since it's a backsplash, and doesn't get wet like a shower for example.


shotty293 t1_izude6n wrote

He said it was an accident. It wasn't a shortcut.


dnick t1_izuvkq8 wrote

Right, but it's similar in result, and if they don't treat it out and redo it it will be one.


FullMetalJ t1_izx4z4m wrote

And it's only 5 sq feet of the backsplash. I would re-do it just to know I've done it properly but probably nothing would ever happen if they leave it as is rn.


KappuccinoBoi t1_izu8nu3 wrote

Yeah. They're surprisingly strong when they're grouted together and joined to other barely attached tiles.

Problem is when one goes its enough for all of them to go in a usually destructive ways (and often from someone bracing themselves against it, my great aunt broke her ankle from half of a tile wall falling on her).


aza9999 t1_izuobsx wrote

Coworker told me about the time he heard an explosion in the middle of the night, went to check it out and it was their tiles exploding. He told me that apparently they had been laid with a non flexible adhesive and once the weather changed significantly (or maybe it was cold air con blowing on hot tiles can't fully recall) the expansion and contraction or thermal shock just caused some of the them to start exploding. Had to get the whole floor ripped out and relaid.


goraidders t1_izvefqx wrote

I have repaired crappy tile jobs that literally was held together by grout. One in particular I remember was 4x4 tile. The tile was not stuck to the wall. The whole wall of tile flexed slightly independent of the wall the grout held it together. Easiest tear out ever.


MidniteMustard t1_izvvwcb wrote

Yeah especially for a backsplash. That's pretty light duty for tile.


Dear_Insect_1085 t1_izx2cyc wrote

Yeah we took over my moms rental and they did a diy tile job with like drywall compound and it's been there for 15 years not even a budge. They got lucky I guess or the grout was a champ and held it together lol.


n0n0nsense t1_izuveet wrote

And if they don't, the tile may be discontinued when it does.


frlejo t1_izuw21h wrote

It was put on with drywall mud . They can reuse them, water will remove the drywall mud.


n0n0nsense t1_izuwvj8 wrote

i was speaking more to them falling off the wall 8 years down the line and shattering.