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Traveling_Carpenter t1_j5goyz9 wrote

What do you mean by “4x4 post bracket”?typical post bases handle lateral displacement - prevent the bottom of the post from getting kicked out - not hold posts upright. There is special hardware that you can bury in concrete to do that - it’s called a moment post base. The ones I’m familiar with, the concrete gets poured around it; it isn’t something you can bolt to a footing afterwards. And they’re at least $150/each for a 4x4 version, just for the hardware. Can’t remember height limit off the top of my head, but fence heights are often limited by code, and model code max I believe is 7ft.


dxrey65 t1_j5htd4y wrote

Not the OP, but I've done plenty of fence work myself, and really avoid just sinking posts in concrete like everyone seems to do. That piece there isn't one I've seen before, but good to know it exists. Thanks for the tip!


MountNdoU t1_j5j086r wrote

WOW! $150 for that!?! Its what,16 gauge stamped sheet metal? That's painful AF