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Moglor t1_j6hows8 wrote

While this is "technically" DIY, I feel that this may be a bit too niche for this group. Also I just threw up in my mouth a little.


Flatmonkey OP t1_j6hpdmp wrote

Yeah, I said it in a gross way. I just learned about the oil absorbing properties of hair, and I have a poorly formed idea about an oil removing device. To be clear, though, I do NOT plan on putting it in anything that will be eaten or otherwise consumed, I just thought that "food safe" was the most safe one could get hygiene wise


so2017 t1_j6hqjmi wrote

This is some Dennis Reynolds level shit.


Flatmonkey OP t1_j6hqrhu wrote

On the surface, it definitely sounds like it. I'm pretty sure I worded the question in the worst possible way, but I did explain myself in another comment reply


Smodder t1_j6hpgv2 wrote

Put them in a delicates washing bag and throw them in the washingmachine with soap on the highest (90 degrees celcius) program.

Depending on what animal hairs and amount of you might want to do it twice (sheep for example; curly hair).

Cleaning by hand unfortunately often results in matting/felt.


Flatmonkey OP t1_j6hplv4 wrote

Do I need to worry about high temp drying? Or is the high temp wash enough?


Smodder t1_j6j7zzg wrote

Drieing can create matting in certain washing/drying machines. It's best to spread them out and let it dry by air. The high washing temperatures removes their natural grease-layer which makes them more matting/tangled/felty when tossed about after. Be sure to when still wet comb then in the shape you need before letting them be air-dryed.

Technically just high temp washing is enough health-wise. Animal hairs are low on the scale of spreading deceases etc. in itself. It is mainly for parasites/fungi that might live in it and can be spreadable to humans. And skinflakes that can trigger allergies in people.


Guygan t1_j6hre9a wrote

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