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JonArvedon t1_j6ilxbx wrote

The exhaust isn't directly above the shower, it's more in the center of the bathroom. That said, there isn't really a draft coming from it. If you stick your hand right over it, you can sometimes feel cooler air from the attic above, but not a draft.


winnipegsmost t1_j6iqkuj wrote

Okay I gotchaaa.

So from what I learned (the hard way) is there should not be a draft from there, like ever! Lol

You can look up backdrafting effects and walls cracking from cold air meeting hot air is definitely one of the issues people get!

I’d take a peek at that exhaust! I bet it’s that, I highly doubt it has anything to do with the install because that’s something that’s not rocket science hahah

1st- you can take the plastic cover off and check for gaps around the fans metal housing. Any spots that would let hot air into the attic are no good. Happens commonly when a smaller fan is put in where a larger fan was and not sealed properly.

You’d wanna seal any open space around there with caulk or a can of window/door gap foam from the store is what I did

2nd- check the attic for signs of indoor air infiltration. Look for condensation, frost or a smell of moisture. Seal any gaps around the attic entry so it closes tight.

I learned that the attic should be pressure sealed from the house and you don’t want warm air up there at all. I watched lots of YouTube videos too about pressure in houses. It makes alot of sense now

3rd- prob MOST IMPORTANT, find the bathroom vent pipe in the attic, and make sure it’s not exhausting into the attic! If it is, redirect that outside, stat!

If it’s directed outside, follow that pipe to the outside now, and check if you have a little flapper damper. It could be partially broken or stuck, only letting in a draft on some windy days. Don’t want animals in there either building homes.

Dampers are cheap like $10-15 and suuper easy to put on. I did it myself no problem.

Saved lots of money on hydro after that lol! and no walls pulling back and forth from the temp difference . Let me know what you find if you can! I’m curious!


JonArvedon t1_j6izthz wrote

It's possible that's what caused it initially, to be honest. Between 2021-2022, I was dealing with some pink mold on the bathroom ceiling due to condensation. I ended up replacing the exhaust fan hose, upgrading from a 50cfm motor to a 70cfm one, piling many layers of insulation in the attic above the bathroom and around the fan housing and repainting the ceiling with semi-gloss mold-killing/mold-resistant paint.

Needless to say, all of that helped the previous issue, haha. On a freezing cold day, I can feel a slight temperature change if my hand is literally right on the fan vent, but again, it's not what I'd classify as a draft.


winnipegsmost t1_j6j0aoa wrote

Damnnn you’re a pro! Come fix my fans next time! Lol! That’s awesome tho. Houses are so much work. Always weird random crap haha. I hope at least that comment is helpful for someone else who doesnt know LOL. Good luck with the shower surround, hope it sorts out!


ChiefInspector69 t1_j6j97bh wrote

That's cuz most of them are built like shit


winnipegsmost t1_j6jivi6 wrote

You think so too for old houses??

I find them not bad , up until people start fucking around and doing renovations that they don’t know how to do.

So important to know the whole “ecosystem” of a house before you start doing things !

or neglecting certain things - lots of people would choose to paint the whole interior for aesthetics, other than seal their exterior window trim with paint for necessity. Or check the eaves . Or not shove pillows up against the glass so the condensation makes the frame rot out.

It’s always dumb shit like that hahah.

But I’ll see people who are in their 70’s, being the original owner of house, and while that house definitely looks original, it’s in absolute pristine condition. And upgrades like the furnace, windows, exterior , etc are always taken care of!

Tell me what you think! Also are you a home inspector? From your name? Im really interested in the trade lately , if you are what do you think of it?

I was thinking I need to start getting paid soon for figuring out all these problems ahaha


winnipegsmost t1_j6j08ww wrote

Damnnn you’re a pro! Come fix my fans next time! Lol! That’s awesome tho. Houses are so much work. Always weird random crap haha. I hope at least that comment is helpful for someone else who doesnt know LOL