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InvincibleJellyfish t1_j2o3byl wrote

It could also lead to flickering in LEDs even if they are "dimmable" as the dimmer just chops up the AC waveform. At least some of them do. This leads to a lot of spikes which can lead to both flicker and an annoying buzzing sound.

Those wifi or bluetooth controllable LED bulbs are much nicer, although way too expensive imo.


created4this t1_j2o9h5c wrote

It’s worse than that, a standard (cheap) dc supply as used in a LED lamp uses a capacitor to limit the current as the capacitor charges and discharges on the AC cycle it lets a small amount of current flow, but if the AC signal is not smooth then the capacitor and the rest of the circuit get the electronic equivalent of jerk on every cycle, which stresses everything and will rapidly lead to failure.