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FuzyMuzzy OP t1_j6doch8 wrote

I'm pouring a triangle pad. Pretty small. Right triangle with the two adjacent sides about 6 feet and 8 feet. One side is against the slab foundation of the house and another side is an existing concrete pool deck. I've drilled holes for rebar into the existing pool deck to attach the pads. I didn't touch the house foundation. Cushion sand base is down.

I need to add a drain along one side where the existing pool deck is meaning I need both an expansion joint and drain. The pad will be 4 inches.

Do I trim the expansion joint down a couple inches to fit the channel drain?
Photo link:


ezbake_fpv t1_j6dqshm wrote

Im confused. I thought expansion joints were only 3/4" wide, so im unsure how you want to cut it down. Also, is that the drain running along the dirt edge?


FuzyMuzzy OP t1_j6drm1j wrote

You're right but they're 4 inches deep. The slab will be 4 inches deep as well. But I imagine the drain (once I find it) will be couple inches and sit on top so to make it flush ill have to drop the expansion down or cut it.

Yes, there's an existing drain I'm connecting to at a T


chopsuwe t1_j6emyht wrote

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